Help build a family, Meet Jason and Shelly

Our Story

Jason and I have been married for just over 8 years. After being married almost 2 years we decided to start trying to have a family. Not too long in we started to recognize that there might be a problem. We initially started with the normal basal body temp testing and timing and that entire sort of thing. I went for acupuncture and we started to really question our ability to have children.  We called the doc and started the testing, well to make a long painful story short we found that I am unable to conceive.

After all the testing and researching we found that we simply could not afford to go with the IVF treatment needed to become pregnant. So we decided adoption would be our only option. After researching we sadly found that adoption would be as expensive as IVF if we chose to go through a private adoption agency. So we decided there were plenty of children in the world that needed loving homes. We went to our local county offices and began the long process of becoming foster parents. After we finished our certification we enlisted with a charity care center in our local area that helped teenage pregnant girls who were looking for a family for their child.

It wasn’t too long after that we were living our dream; we had a family of three children placed with us. They were 7, 5 and 9 months. Two girls and a boy. We were so happy and thought life was finally moving in the right direction. Sadly within 2 months the children were moved again to a family closer to their schools and mother. So we worked hard at getting our names out there to find a baby of our own. Then 3 days before Christmas 2009 we the call we were waiting for, we were one of four families a young mother was looking at to place her child with. As much as we tried to not get our hopes up we did and as I’m sure you know by now, another family was chosen.

So here we are 6 years later and our last chance. I am 42 years old, and am losing time to have a child so we are going for it and pursuing IVF. We managed to find a great place local to us that offers financing for half of the IVF costs. YAY! But we still need to raise enough money to help cover testing and medicines that will be needed. During our last tests we were told that if not for the blockage causing my tubes to be inaccessible we were extremely fertile; we are strong candidates for IVF and will be great loving parents.

Can you help us make our dream of becoming parents a reality?


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  2. Things are moving along- slowly but surely. Everything is going great and I will be continuing testing and starting meds very soon. Check back to keep up with our progress.
